
Bathroom Aids

60 products

Showing 25 - 48 of 60 products

Showing 25 - 48 of 60 products
Allmobility B02 200P 2000 Series Compact Padded SeatAllmobility B02 200P 2000 Series Compact Padded Seat
Standard padded seat B 02010P AllmobilityStandard padded seat B 02010P Allmobility
Daino Allmobility BA SOLDAINO Air Bath LiftDaino Allmobility BA SOLDAINO Air Bath Lift
Allmobility BA HUGOHELPER Bathtub AssistantAllmobility BA HUGOHELPER Bathtub Assistant
Allmobility soft toilet seatAllmobility soft toilet seat
Allmobility Allmobility soft toilet seat
Sale priceFrom €46,36
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Rigid toilet seat BALZ10COP AllmobilityRigid toilet seat BALZ10COP Allmobility
Folding shower chair SEDOCCHIUD AllmobilityFolding shower chair SEDOCCHIUD Allmobility
Allmobility Shower StoolAllmobility Shower Stool
Allmobility Allmobility Shower Stool
Sale priceFrom €70,76
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Transfer Allmobility BA PANCTRSCH bath benchTransfer Allmobility BA PANCTRSCH bath bench
Convenient folding Furbility Allmobility BA COMFURBILConvenient folding Furbility Allmobility BA COMFURBIL
Toilet Support SOstegno AllmobilityToilet Support SOstegno Allmobility
FAMILIAR Allmobility Wall SeatFAMILIAR Allmobility Wall Seat
Shower stool COMPACT AllmobilityShower stool COMPACT Allmobility
Allmobility Classic Swivel Bath Seat
BA SHTAV Allmobility Bath BoardBA SHTAV Allmobility Bath Board
BA CARCOMODA Allmobility toilet chairBA CARCOMODA Allmobility toilet chair
BA SOLLVA Allmobility Bath LiftBA SOLLVA Allmobility Bath Lift
BA SOLLVADISC Allmobility turntableBA SOLLVADISC Allmobility turntable

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